We would like to remind you about AO picnic and fundraiser that will take place on October 18, 2008 from 1pm until 4pm. You are invited!
There will be games and a silent auction. We will be accepting cash or checks for the items purchased at the auction. Also, we will have a Halloween costume parade for the children around 3pm!!
We are currently accepting donations and baskets to help us prepare for the fundraiser. We have received 15 baskets so far, but we are still in need for the following items:
- miniature pumpkins and pumpkins decorations
- folding tables for the auction (will be returned to the owners)
- medium size baskets- need before October 15th
- gift baskets
- monetary donations
If you have any questions or to RSVP, please contact Natasha at 619-294-7772.
We will see at the picnic!!